Tech Gifts
What are the best STEM gifts for kids?

What are the best STEM gifts for kids?

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics or STEM. These four subjects have been transforming our lives since long before we were born. In this article, we’ll explore some of STEM gifts you can get for kids!

Scratch Jr – Scratch is a programming language that allows children to learn computational thinking through storytelling. With Scratch Jr., they can tell their own stories and then bring them to life by giving different characters shapes and colors and making them move around the screen.

Scratch Jr Coding for Kids – STEM Gifts for Kids

The Makey Makey Invention Kit – The Makey Makey is a way to make almost any object into a computer input using the internet’s favorite ingredient: bananas.

Makey Makey Classic

Parallax Scrolling LED Backpack – Build this with your child, or let them build it by themselves, and learn about electronics as they do so! A kit that will allow you to create a scrolling text display that shows your name or the time of day.

Programmable LED Backpack by

Ozobot: Smart Robot – This kit comes with everything you need to create your own robot. Once it’s built, the function blocks included can make him buzz around or even tell funny jokes!

Ozobot STEM gifts for kids

Circuit Scribe: Draw Circuits – Draw your own circuits and learn about electronics with this tool. Since there’s no wrong way to do it, the possibilities are endless!

Circuit Scribe STEM Gifts for Kids

Why is it important to teach children STEM skills?

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are making our world better. Innovation is based on curiosity and creativity, which is exactly what STEM helps promote in children. If we want to be able to continue improving the way we live, we need to ensure that children are given these skills.

The importance of play in education

There has been a lot of debate on the effect that technology has had on playtime. A child’s free time is now spent playing video games or watching television, with the exception of going outside. Yet, children still need to engage in play as it is not just a pastime but is vital to their development as well as an important component of their education.

Children who do have access to play have been found to have developed greater problem-solution skills and critical thinking skills, which are both needed for school and future careers.

Though some agree that play doesn’t necessarily need to be solely outdoors where children can grow and explore their environment, there would be some benefits to playing outside such as increased amount of exercise and decreased chances of obesity.

Play allows children to use their imaginations, which in turn develops creativity. This is vital for future inventors and scientists who need to think outside the box and be able to adapt in new environments.

What the future holds for play and education?

As we continue to make technological advancements, playtime may begin to include virtual reality. This way, children can experience the outdoors while also getting exercise at home. With more of a chance of teaching problem-solution skills and critical thinking in realistic scenarios, this technology will be able to serve as a supplement to traditional education.

While there are some concerns that too much screen time can be harmful and encourage sedentary lifestyles, there is not enough evidence to prove that it will do more harm than good. An increase in learning could result from this as well as an improvement of health and decrease of obesity rates.

If we want our next generation to grow up to be innovative thinkers, we need to introduce STEM concepts at an early age! These toys will help children think critically and creatively to come up with solutions for problems they encounter in the future.

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